What is Eurokey?
Eurokey provides you with access in Switzerland and parts of Europe to elevators, lifting platforms, obstacle-free changing rooms and toilets as well as to other facilities equipped for people with disabilities. Eurokey is a universal key that enhances your autonomy in everyday life: travelling becomes planable.
How do I find the Eurokey facilities?
In Switzerland there are currently over 3,400 Eurokey installations in operation. All Eurokey locations can be localised when you are on the move through the free smartphone application ‘‘eurokey“ (iPhone, Android). The current listing of facilities can be also found on the map ‘‘Eurokey locations“. The facilities are identified with the Eurokey sticker.
Who is entitled to a Eurokey?
You can obtain a Eurokey if you suffer from seriously limited mobility, visual impairment, chronic bowel or bladder disorders or wear a stoma. Please enclose with your order a certificate of your disability.
How do I order a Eurokey?
You can order the key in person at one of the authorised issuing agencies or via the on-line form or PDF form.
What does the Eurokey cost?
The key can be obtained for a one-time fee of CHF 45.– (incl. VAT, plus delivery costs: Switzerland CHF 5.-, abroad: CHF 10.-). Please note that cross-border banking fees come at your own cost.
Notification of new facilities
Help us by informing us of new or not-yet-registered facilities via the app, on www.eurokey.ch ’’Notification of new facilities“ or on the hotline 0848 0848 00. Your feedback is important to enable us to improve our offering.